10 Years CAGR 250% | Hindustan Foods Share Performance,Share Price History

CAGR of 250% | Hindustan Foods Share History,Share Price Performance

Hindustan Foods information

Hindustan Foods Limited Company is a contract manufacturing company within India. This company was established in 1988 by the joint venture Dempo Group and Glaxo India Limited, after which this company was taken over by Vanity Case Group in 2013.

The head quarter of this company & its manufacturing facilities are located in Mumbai, India and in different countries across the world. Let us tell you that this company has also been listed in Mumbai Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange of India. This means that you can invest in this company. Can buy shares.

This company manufactures many things which include breakfast cereal, protein bar, energy drink, if we talk about home care, floor cleaner, hair freshener and BEAUTY PRODUCTS and if we talk about different things like soap, shampoo, conditioner etc. That company is also making its contribution in health care, leather and pet care.

Hindustan Foods Share Price History

Hindustan Foods is listed on Bombay Stock Exchange Limited and National Stock Exchange Limited. If we look at the National Stock Exchange, at the time of listing, one share of the company was trading at around ₹ 78.89, and since the listing, the company has given a return of around 584.37% to its shareholders, which is an excellent return.

The same company is currently trading at around ₹539.This company has been a multibagger stock of 2021-22. While the company was trading above around ₹ 320 in the month of January 2021, it increased to around ₹ 720 by November 2022, due to which its investors got very good profits and Got good returns.

This company was listed in the Bombay Stock Exchange on 24th August 2012 and since then till now this company has made 2 to 3 times the income of its shareholders in a year, and this is not just once but the company has done this up to 6 times. It has made money for its investors and with this the company has seen an increase of up to 50% twice.

And the long term returns of this company have also been very good, the company has earned very good returns to its investors and its investors have got very good returns in the period of 5 to 10 years.

Since its listing in BSE in 2012, the company has seen very good annual performance till 2022. The company has shown good growth, however, there has been a decline in it in the short term, which the company has soon corrected. and was successful in recovering this decline by the end of the year, due to which the company did not see much decline on an annual basis.

Hindustan Foods Share Performance :-

Hindustan Foods Return in Last 1 Years

If we look at the share price of Hindustan Foods on BSE, there has been a decline of about -12.49% in the share price of the company in the last 1 year in YTD, due to which the company needs to recover it, however, according to the data of June 2023, the company There has been a significant increase in the net income and net profit margin of the company due to which it is being estimated that the company will soon recover from this decline.

Hindustan Foods Return in Last 3 Years

The share price of Hindustan Foods has seen a significant growth in the last 3 years. While 3 years ago its share price was around Rs 179.17, today it is trading around Rs 538, and since then till now the company has given people Has earned a very good return.

The value of this stock has increased a lot today, and the way the company has given returns to its investors in the last 3 years is a positive effect for the company as it shows the good performance of the company. Reflects.

Hindustan Foods Return in Last 5 Years

The share price of Hindustan Foods has seen good profits in the last 5 years. The stock price of the company has increased from ₹ 50.57 in the last 5 years to currently trading around ₹ 538, and in these five years the company has given huge returns to its shareholders.

Has given a return of approximately 799.18%. For those investors who had invested ₹ 1 lakh in this share 5 years ago, and have kept it on hold till now, the value of this share today is approximately ₹ 8.98 lakh. In this way, this company has been seen performing well continuously in the last 5 years. And it has given annual returns of more than 55.15 percent to its investors.

Hindustan Foods Share 10 Years Returns

If we look at the share price of Hindustan Foods 10 years ago i.e. in 2013, the share price of this company was around ₹ 2.90. Looking at this, all the investors who had invested in the shares of this company 10 years ago and kept them on hold, would have received a return of approximately 18124.65% from the investment made in this company. So that the investor’s investment of Rs 1 lakh would have multiplied by almost 182 times. The CAGR growth of the stock in these 10 years has been around 68.25%.

Hindustan Foods Share Returns: Compounded and Absolute

From listing year 2012 till now, Hindustan Foods has given a return of approximately 53,725.00% to its investors.For long term investors who would have invested ₹ 1 lakh in this company about 10 years ago, the value of Hindustan Foods shares has increased to approximately ₹ 1.82 crore.

In the last 1 year, Hindustan Foods share price has grown by about 16.10% and in the last 5 years it has made a return of 799.18% to its investors. And in these five years, this company has increased its investors’ money almost 9x.There has been a CAGR growth of about 56.50% in the stock of this company in the last 7 years.

Conclusion :-

Hindustan Foods Share’s all-time Performance

Hindustan Foods ltd was listed on BSE in 2012, and since its listing, the company has given a good return to its investors. At the time of listing, the price of a share of the company was trading at around ₹ 1.00, today it is It is trading at Rs 538.25, which has given investors a return of around 53,725.00% so far.

Talking about its annual returns, the company has given approximately 77.15% annual returns to its investors since the listing day. The company’s share value is trading at a good level today, and it seems to be a good return giving stock for investors willing to invest in this stock. However, investors should consult their financial advisor before making any investment.

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