TTK Prestige Share price target 2023, 2025, 2028,2030,2040

TTK Prestige Share price target 2025, 2028|Can Be More Profitable

About TTK Prestige

TTK Prestige Limited is an Indian company manufacturing kitchen and home appliances, which was founded on October 22, 1955 by TT Krishnamachari. The company manufactures kitchen, home appliances and cookware under the “Prestige” and “Judge” brands. This company is most liked by the people for its pressure cookers.

TTK Prestige was incorporated as a private limited company under the name of TT Private Limited. Later, it expanded and started manufacturing pressure cookers in 1959 with the technical support of Prestige Group of United Kingdom. This company was made public in 1988.

TTK Prestige Share price target 2024, 2025, 2028,2030,2040

We here at financesharetargets. in is going to give you approximate information about stock forecast, price forecast and target for 2024, 2025, 2030 and 2040.

Please keep one thing in mind that this forecast, prediction or any target is only an estimate given by our analysis. suggestion. It is almost impossible for any forecast/prediction to be correct. Errors are always present in any analysis, but we try our best to give you good price stock forecasts/predictions.

TTK Prestige share price target 2024

If we look at the share price of TTK Prestige on NSE, the company has given a return of about 4.75% since September, whereas if we look at the returns of the last 5 years of the company, the company has given a return of about 42.13%, which is very good.

In this way, the company has given good returns to its shareholders for many consecutive years, and from the way a continuous increase can be seen in the share price of the company, it can be estimated that TTK Prestige share price target for 2024 The first target can be achieved at ₹822 and the second target can be achieved at ₹845.

TTK Prestige share price target 2025

The company is continuously growing by increasing its revenue because if we talk about the market cap of the company, its market cap is around Rs 11,300 crore and the company is a small cap company, and it has always been seen that small cap company gives a better return.

The same company is continuously working to expand its market cap. However, according to the data of June 2023, there has been a slight decline in the net income and revenue of the company.

After which, the way the company seems to be working to increase its profits, it can be estimated that with its further development in the near future, the first target will be ₹870 and the second target will be ₹870 by 2025. Target can be at ₹900.

TTK Prestige Share Price Target 2028

To deliver its products conveniently to its customers, Prestige also sells its products on e-commerce platforms, thereby providing on-demand services to the customers in just a few clicks. In this way, the company is also moving ahead in the field of digitalization.

And it is also connecting with its customers through digital services. In this way, the company is moving forward by updating itself according to the changing times, the company is also getting benefits from it because the e-commerce platform. Through this, a good number of customers are associated with the company, which also benefits the company.

The company is moving ahead by expanding in the same manner, due to which the company can be expected to grow further in the near future. In view of this, our According to the analysis, the first target for TTK Prestige Share Price Target 2028 can be Rs 950 and the second target can be Rs 970.

TTK Prestige Share Price Target 2030

TTK Prestige is involved in the manufacturing, development, marketing and sales of kitchen appliances. Prestige’s product portfolio includes kitchen and home appliances like pressure cookers, pressure pans, cookware, ovens, electrical toasters and grills, mixers, grinders,

kitchen hoods, hobs, cooktops, gas stoves and chimneys, kitchen tools induction cooktops, kettles, electrical appliances Are included. These products are marketed and sold under the brand name Prestige.

Along with this, the company is working to expand its product portfolio and can develop them further in the coming time, which can bring more profits to the company and which can also increase the share price of the company in the near future. In TTK Prestige Share Price Target by 2030, the first target can be at ₹ 980 and the second target can be at ₹ 1030.

TTK Prestige share price target 2040

The most liked product of TTK Prestige is its Prestige Pressure Cooker, which is purchased and liked by a large number of customers. The company sells its products through various online stores and prestige stores to reach customers quickly and far.

The company is continuously working for its growth. It manages and operates its business activities through its manufacturing facilities and retail outlets located in India.

In this way, the company is trying to develop its network further by paying attention to the digital medium as per the time and amidst all this, it is also moving forward paying special attention to its responsibilities towards the society.

Due to this, in the coming times, the company will It can be expected to develop further due to which the share price of the company can increase further and better returns can also be expected in the coming time, considering this as per our analysis.The first target for TTK Prestige share price target 2040 can be ₹ 1500 and the second target can be ₹ 1,550.

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