Gail Share price targets 2023, 2025, 2028,2030,2040

Gail Share price targets 2023, 2025, 2028,2030,2040

About GAIL (India) Limited

GAIL (India) Limited is a central public sector undertaking owned by the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government of India. It was earlier known as Gas Authority of India Limited. Established in 1984, it is a company in the oil and gas industry, headquartered at GAIL Bhavan, 16, Bhikaji Cama Place, RK Puram, New Delhi, Delhi (India).

Its business segments include natural gas, liquid hydrocarbons, liquefied petroleum gas transmission, petrochemicals, city gas distribution, renewable energy including solar and wind, exploration and production, petrochemicals.

GAIL is one of the Maharatna, it was given the status of Maharatna by the Government of India on 1 February 2013. Let us tell you that out of all the Central Public Sector Undertakings, only 11 other Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) have got this prestigious honor.Its three subsidiaries are Indraprastha Gas Limited, Petronet LNG and Mahanagar Gas Limited.

Gail Share price targets 2023, 2025, 2028,2030,2040

We here at financesharetargets. in is going to give you approximate information about stock forecast, price forecast and target for 2023, 2024, 2025, 2030 and 2040. Please keep one thing in mind that this forecast, prediction or any target is only an estimate given by our analysis, suggestion.

The forecast/prediction which will be correct is almost impossible. Errors are always present in any analysis, but we try our best to give you good price stock forecasts/predictions.

Gail share price target 2023

If we look at the share price of Gail on NSE, the company has given a return of about 8.57% in the last month since September, while if we look at the returns of the last 5 years of the company, the company has given a return of about 3.80%, which is quite good.

In this way, the company has given good returns to its shareholders for many consecutive years, and from the way continuous increase can be seen in the share price of the company, it can be estimated that the first target for Gail share price target 2023. ₹ 135 and another target can be achieved at ₹ 150.

Gail share price target 2025

GAIL is operating its projects in India as well as other countries to increase its global expansion. In which ongoing projects in Myanmar, Venezuela and Iran can be considered very important for India from economic and strategic point of view. Along with this, the company is continuously moving towards its development. Talking about its market cap, its market cap is around 84,193cr INR.

With this, this company is a large cap company and is continuously working for its development, seeing this, it can be expected that in the coming time, the share price of the company may increase with its development, given our analysis. According to Gail share price target for 2025, the first target can be at ₹ 200 and the second target at ₹ 230.

Gail share price target 2028

Gail (India) Limited is one of India’s leading natural gas companies, involved in the natural gas value chain of trading, transmission, LPG production and transmission, LNG re-gasification, petrochemicals, city gas, E&P etc. GAIL is also known for setting up India’s second largest grid-connected captive solar power plant of approximately 5.76 MW at Pata Petrochemical Complex.

GAIL has become a leading company in the City Gas Distribution (CGD) business in India. While it has a large pan-India geographical presence, it is present in about 67 geographical areas across India with 8 joint ventures as well as three wholly owned subsidiaries. Looking at the good work and development of the company, it can be expected that the company can grow more in the coming times.

Due to which the share price of the company can also increase and along with this, the first target for Gail Share Price Target 2028 can be at ₹ 320 and the second target can be at ₹ 350.

Gail share price target 2030

GAIL is expanding its reach globally along with India. It has overseas presence in the United States, Singapore, Myanmar, China and Egypt. Along with this, it has also opened its offices in Singapore, Yangon, Houston and Moscow. Its wholly owned subsidiary in the United States, called GAIL Global (USA) Inc. Also known as (GGUI).

GGUI formed a subsidiary company GAIL Global (USA) LNG LLC (GGUL), GAIL also has another wholly owned subsidiary named GAIL Global (Singapore) Pte Ltd for the purpose of trading and foreign investment in LNG.

In this way, through all these features, the company is moving towards its development, from which it can be expected that in the coming time, the company will look stronger, so that the company’s share price will increase as well as get better returns. Looking at this, according to our analysis, the first target for Gail Share Price Target 2030 can be at ₹ 400 and the second target at ₹ 440.

Gail share price target 2040

Gail operates a large network. It has spread natural gas pipelines of about 15580 kilometers across the country. Along with this, it is also reducing on many other pipeline projects to increase its spread further. As GAIL holds around 70% market share in gas transmission and also has a gas trading share of over 50% in India. And GAIL and its subsidiaries also have a sizeable market share in gas distribution. GAIL also has a large portfolio in the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) sector.

GAIL is also striving to increase its presence in renewable energy such as solar, wind and bio-fuel. In this way, the company is doing its operations in a big way, seeing which it can be inferred that in the coming time, the company can expand further, due to which the share price of the company will increase further in the coming time. Better returns can also be expected considering that according to our analysis Gail share price target for 2040 can be at ₹750 and the second target at ₹850.

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